Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Yoga and Relaxation

Bridget Brelet
Yoga and Relaxation

Many people, especially in American, have become so stressed that it affects every aspect of their life. They become sluggish, tired, and so distracted that they are not able to focus on their real life such as their jobs, family, and friends. Stress can also lead to many health problems. “If you repeatedly face challenges and your body is constantly producing higher levels of hormones, it doesn’t have time to recover. Stress hormones build up in the blood and, over time, can cause serious health problems.” One of the benefits of yoga is reliving the tension stress causes. Yoga has been practiced for over 5,000 years and it has become more like a way of living than just a stress reliever. “Yoga, which derives its name from the word, “yoke”—to bring together—does just that, bringing together the mind, body and spirit. But whether you use yoga for spiritual transformation or for stress management and physical well-being, the benefits are numerous.” Yoga is a practice where your body stretches its muscles in different poses while remaining to breath slowing and focus on your body, listening to it and understanding it. This ultimately allows the tension to escape your body. The end result is less stress and more relaxation. “Virtually everyone can see physical benefits from yoga, and its practice can also give psychological benefits, such as stress reduction and a sense of well-being, and spiritual benefits, such as a feeling of connectedness with God or Spirit, or a feeling of transcendence. Certain poses can be done just about anywhere and a yoga program can go for hours or minutes, depending on one’s schedule. There are several mechanisms in yoga that have an effect on stress levels, meaning there are multiple ways that yoga can minimize your stress levels.  Studies show that the most effective ways in which yoga targets stress are by lifting your mood (or positive affect), by allowing for increased mindfulness, and by increasing self-compassion.  By simultaneously getting us into better moods, enabling us to be more focused on the present moment, and by encouraging us to give ourselves a break, yoga is a very effective stress reliever.” Yoga is such a great way for people to come together and learn more about what their body needs. It is a stress reliever which I believe everyone can use.

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